Giulia Pompilj (1991, Italy)
Giulia Pompilj is a research-based designer investigating the biological, historical, and social aspects of ecosystems.
With her practice, Giulia seeks to blur the distinction between conceptions of the fantastical and the scientific, attempting to facilitate a kind of creative traffic between two ostensibly separate areas of thought: that of hard science, and that of storytelling.
In January 2020, Giulia graduated from the “Food Non-Food” department at the Design Academy of Eindhoven, The Netherlands. During her academic years, she studied the different aspects of bio and social design. After the internship at Mater Iniciativa, a gastronomic research center based in Peru, she developed a design structure that now defines her methodology. Using the natural dye process and the ethnobotanical research method Giulia transforms plant molecules into colours revealing the relationship that local inhabitants have with the natural environment.
She finds in this form of research, creative convergence of intuition, sensation, and science; a strong way of communication.